Meet our African Clawed Frogs
The African Clawed Frog gets its name from the long toes on their back feet and their scientific name Xenopus laevis which translates to Xenopus "strange foot" and laevis "Smooth". They are part of the amphibian family and can be found in Africa.

African Clawed Frogs can be found in freshwater habitats across sub-Saharan Africa. They are known for their distinctive webbed feet and smooth skin.
These frogs are carnivorous and primarily feed on small invertebrates like insects and worms.
African Clawed Frogs have a relatively long lifespan for amphibians, living up to 15-20 years in captivity when provided with proper care and habitat conditions.
Conservation Status
While African Clawed Frogs are not currently considered endangered, habitat loss due to human activities poses a threat to their populations.

Did You Know?
- African Clawed Frogs are unique in that they lack tongues and use their forelegs to stuff food into their mouths. They are also known for their remarkable ability to regenerate damaged or lost limbs.
- They lack vocal cords but males are still observed to vocalize to attract a mate, they do this though an alternative method which is clicking.
- African Clawed Frogs are able to preserve themselves in mud if the pond they inhabit has dried up, using this method the frog is able to lay dormant for up to a year.
Come and see our African Clawed Frogs
Visit Greenacres Animal Park today to meet these fascinating creatures up close and learn more about their incredible adaptations.