Military Macaw
Military Macaws aren't commonly seen within the UK, we are very fortunate to have one here at the park! The way to identify a Military Macaw is to look for their brightly coloured band above their beak, this red band helped in the naming of this bird, we associated the band with a band that a solider would wear on their arm giving them their military name and their green colouration linked to the army.

Military Macaws are native to Mexico and South America.
These magnificent birds have a varied diet that includes fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.
They can live up to 60 years in the wild. In captivity they can live 60 year +.
Conservation status
In the wild Macaws are generally endangered with some species which have already gone extinct in the wild such as the Spix's Macaw. The Military Macaw is classed as vulnerable and has the potential to continue to decline due to habitat loss, deforestation and the illegal pet trade.

Did you know?
- These birds are known to be very loud.
- They are able to mimic human speech, this isn't just a cool party trick, in the wild it serves a wider purpose, using their mimicking ability they are able repeat predator sounds such as Jaguars to try and scare the predator away before they get too close.
- They have very strong beaks that are adapted to cracking open hard nuts and seeds.