Meet Our North American Striped Skunks
The North American Striped Skunk is one of 12 species of skunk, the smallest is the Western Spotted Skunk and the largest being the Hog Nosed Skunk. They are famous for their ability to spray, they use this spray as a defence mechanism, people believe that they can continuously spray but this is not true, skunks can spray once every 12-14 day.

The North American Striped Skunk can be found throughout most of the United States and southern Canada. They prefer wooded areas and open fields.
These skunks are omnivores, feeding on a variety of foods including insects, small mammals, fruits, and plants.
The average lifespan of a North American Striped Skunk in the wild is around 2-4 years, but they can live up to 10 years in captivity.
Conservation Status
The North American Striped Skunk is listed as a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Did You Know?
- Despite their reputation for spraying a foul-smelling liquid as a defence mechanism, skunks will usually give a warning before resorting to this.
- They have very long claws allowing them to be excellent diggers.
- Skunks can come in different coat patterns depending on the species such as the Spotted Skunks that have spots on their back instead of the iconic stripe.
Come and see our skunks today!
Experience the wonder of North American Striped Skunks up close at Greenacres Animal Park.